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PVC Wall Sticker Paper Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

wall stickers self adhesive wall paper

In order to meet the diverse preferences of the clients, we bring forth a versatile range of PVC Wallpapers Sticker. These are extensively used to enhance the beauty of décor in various offices, homes, hotels and bars & restaurants. All our products are acknowledged in the market due to their features like elegant designs, attractive designs, minimal maintenance and easy installation.Comsume could Apply by thier own..DIY ..

Advantages of self-adhesive wallpaper
1.  Low price. If you have a small area which you would like to make it as a featured wall, this product will be ideal because it's not worth for hiring someone to install for a small area. 

2. You can do it yourself. This is like sticker, which you just peel it off then apply on wall. 

3. Removable. They are removable from the wall, and then you can either repaint the wall or reinstall another design on it.

Wall decor Adhesive

Wall decor Adhesive

Wall decor Adhesive

Wall decor Adhesive

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